Nayan Agrawal

I'm a Front|

About Me

Hey, Hi I'm Nayan and I am a Creator, Developer & Designer. I create content on YouTube and post some cool photos about current bike trend.. Also, I'm a Frontend developer specialising in React Js and Next Js. I'm also a digital artist by night, I like to poke around with colours and bring my ideas to life.

Currently I'm a Pre-Final year student pursuing B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering at Vellore Institute Of Technology, Bhopal, India . I have built accessible, inclusive products at start-ups like Raven & DS Dairy Systems. Also a community evangelist currently leading the local GDSC (Google Developers Club) chapter at my university with over 1K+ community members.


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • React Js
  • Java

Where I've Worked

Raise DIgital

Frontend Intern & Trainnee @ Raise DIgital

October 22 - November 22

Developed job portal as a intern.

Developed single page and a multi page ecommerce website as a Trainee.

Learn about the advanced javascript and databse.

Used HTML , CSS , Javascript to develop the projects.

Some Things I’ve Built

Bhopal Riding Community

React Based Website for a biking riking community in bhopal named as Bhopal Riding Community for their members to know about their community in depth and join upcoming events.





Strider: Airbnb & Couch-Surfing

A multi-functional react based website named as Strider to combine two of the reknown room booking platforms named as Couch-Surfing and airbnb to let user have both functionalities.




Ultragym: Gym Landing Page

A Landing Page for a gym named as UltraGym to let the user know about the gym details and submitt form for any query or join the gym.




What's Next

Get In Touch

Feel free to get in touch with me. I am always open to discussing new projects, creative ideas or opportunities to be part of your visions.